I've gotten so used to people removing themselves from my life without explanation, that whenever I get into that position--I do the same, to people who never wanted to leave me. I think I hold something very valuable in what I do for others in their lives, that they pair how they handle their past traumas with the current situation with me. I trigger them and they trigger me.
I can be passive aggressive, vulnerable, but not completely transparent, and have the potential to disappear--all due to emotion and possible assumption. These are a few of the many bags I carry due to what I've been through thus far and I'm looking to consolidate and rid my baggage in the most healthy way possible.
I think it's important to acknowledge those not so great things about ourselves and accept what it is, but work towards the solution actively and intently rather then saying "I won't do it again". A negative or a no, may result in no results. Once again, my thought process comes from my upbringing. I don't believe it's a negative characteristic, although it could be--I rather view it in positive light that there will actually be an action done, than just words. "Walk it how I talk it."
Maybe just reading my thoughts can help you in your messy moments and in realizations that we all have some baggage that we are all still doing our best to overcome.
Take time to make time, always and in all ways. Love yall.
#BecomingTransparent #MessyMoment #Truth #Discovery #Overcoming #TrustTheProcess #Positive #Love #Peace