I officially completed week 1/8 of a years worth of a organic chemistry that costs roughly $4500. I just submitted my very first lab report and got a 42% plagiarism score, lol how solid can this be?!
I literally typed the procedure and of course everybody is going to have the same words, that's the instructions!!
I digress, my first exam is tomorrow and I'm not going to lie, I am a bit anxious and overwhelmed. Many days I would stay behind to have the teacher check my work or to clarify the principle mechanisms and I felt so alone because I was the only student staying behind. It seems as though everyone knows exactly what they're doing, but I have to remind myself that I have enough courage to ask for help and not afraid to do so! The proof truly will be in the pudding. My lab partner passed up on studying with me to watch the Blue's game, so we will see. I just hope and pray I do well in this course, I would like to get straight A's, but look.. passing is where it's at too. C's do indeed get degrees. Let's get it. Please feel free to encourage your girl below on this journey.
Here's to an all nighter.